Sunday, November 1, 2009

Who is the drama of diaperswappers blog mama?

Or rather who "are they"? Who are the diaperswappers drama mama's. Who is the big drama queen of the boards? DSDM remains a mystery however rumors are surfacing that DSDM2 is none other than LM (ClothDiaperMePlease) herself!

And after further research and investigation into the hint of the claim.....

I present you with these..... The first one taken from one of her MANY blogs.. This one is a blog only about pictures of herself.. Blink and she might delete it if she figures out it's evidence and people might think.

Her picture from her blog of herself.. Don't you think it's just a tad bit suspicious and too close to her DSDM2 avatar?

Look at the fabric (although blurry as the picture is so small that blown up it is distorted), it appears to be the same black fabric. She does edit and snap a lot of nice pictures. It would be nothing at all for her to have made her own avatar on the same day she shot this picture. (Blink and you might miss it- watch she will take her avatar down for fear of discovery). Same type of feel, same type of hands in both, just a bit more photoshopped in the avi. What do you think?


  1. Look at this...

    Post #51... Calls out the DSDM2 hardcore.. hmmmmm definately looks like she is "outed"

  2. OMG! Look at her blogger account info!
    She has the diaperswappers drama blog listed. Sneaky that she put it last so it wouldn't seem like she is the DSDM2.

    I wonder if JeDeeLenae isn't the one and only DSDM? They are really good friends. Friends are usually partners in crime. The writing styles for both match. Anyone?

    When you read the blog you realize how right on this is.
    So it seems on the dramablog they must have posted under their own screen names to hide the fact they are the owners to make them look like mere particpants? It even appears sometimes they post fake users to carry on conversations with to keep things moving along.

  3. When you read the "Vent" on DS it seems like not much of anything at first. Trace it back and things start to add up, like ClothDiaperMe's account of the stalker. That had me really wondering who is telling the truth?

    I read some more and found that *Willow* is at least partially right. If she is talking about who we are all thinking, then it makes sense. I googled LM and read a while on some different sites and posts.

    Here is one... Posted on one of her own blogs

    She rants and complains, however here is the real ENTIRE story that she started herself in another place..Scroll down she has one of the first comments to the article which starts and entire online arguement which she continues on.

    Then she posts on DS as well around the same time, again to rant over her hair.

    But then posts recently showing off pictures of her first set of dreads like it wasn't a big deal and it is all forgotten. Weird.

  4. I just found this, and it really makes me wonder about peoples heads.
    How much more conspiracy theory looney toon can you get? Cry out victim much LM?

    Quote from her blog "What is going on"

    I am a mid 20’s hippie mama of soon to be 3 children, living in the mountains, trying to raise my kids to the best of my ability.


    I started this blog after finally coming to the conclusion that my husband and I are being harassed by the IRS, and apparently now other government agencies.

    My husband and I have been “tagged” by the IRS b/c we are still fighting over a refund from 2002. They have now tried to get the NC Revenue Service after us, even though we were not married, didn’t live in NC, and didn’t work here. My husband is now on a “pull aside” list when flying, and so am I, neither of us are able to board a plane without a full search of us and our belongings. My mail now comes opened most days. My children don’t even get to open their own packages from their great grandmother b/c the post office does it for them. My business packages come opened and often dirtied and I have to sell them at a discount.

    I still can't stop laughing!

    Geez lady, do your kids a favor and get your head and that of your husband checked out asap. Freak!

    Oh, and your not a true hippie. Learn your history. You are just a modern day wanna-be. You definately aren't old enough for starters

  5. Look at this crap. Is her name really Lisa or is it Johanna? Apparently since 2005 she has been around online using different names one she calls herself Johanna.

    When you look at her pictures from her dreadlock blog rant on xanga )hitting right mouse button) you see her entire url for her pictures at that date she wrote the rant entry. Track it back, and she has an account under the name Johanna on PictureTrail. Here some picture shots to show everyone here what I am talking about. Apparently she has the album marked private or something. you can still the see the picture is still there with the link, and the album name remains as well.

    I saw on diaperswappers in the dreadlocked moms thread where she was asked how long she had her dreads. She tells them one thing, but her blog says different. Screams LIAR to me. Someone should warn her that lying eventually catches up to you.

    Scary to think this person actually sells cloth diapers at when she is calling herself different names all over the place, and seems to be unstable. I am not sure she is the DSDM2 but she is definately a character in my book. Stinks to me and screams scam all over. Thank you to the people particpating in this blog who are uncovering the mystery little by little. I am marking as a favorite to see what else is revealed about this whole thing. Anyone have anything that actually proves she is the DSDM2 beyond doubt.

  6. Looks like someone is trying to cover their ass

    Tastes funny to me

  7. FYI after DSDM2 stated on the drama blog that person had been spreading those rumors all over the DS I read and read and read on *Willow* and haven't found anything yet, except that one post. Fishy playing victim again?

  8. You do know they can just use stock images anybody can find on Google, don't you? LOL.

  9. Who wrote this blog? Has the owner even been back to check it? They are not participating anymore in it. It needs to be updated with the evidence regarding the pictures.

    I think it shows the pictures and original post are stock photo's used as the avatar. Still though the issue at hand is who is the drama owners? Is it still possibly LM? She is quite the person it seems.

    I am sure that someone knows, possibly the person who started this blog. Maybe a friend who is scared to out herself but thinks everyone should know?

  10. After further thinking, and reading (yet again! now being discussed on the real drama blog) Lisa's claims again have surfaced that Willow or Joyce whichever she goes by is stalking her I have concluded this entire blog is bullshit. Yes I said- BULLSHIT

    This entire blog has been mostly about Lisa and Willow. See where I am going here. Someone has manipulated the readers to believe one thing, but I believe the reality is deeper.

    If you read Lisa's claims that Willow is stalking her, it was posted not so long ago, and hinted around in other places.Lisa posted oodles of details about Willow, yet noone noticed or asked how Lisa would know some of the details that seemed odd? Lisa kept the thread on DS obviously going and nursed off of all the attention from responders.

    Meanwhile Willow doesn't seems to be arround on diaperswappers much to even post often, hardly being an avid stalker like Lisa is claiming. I bet google has been burning up with searches on Lisa and Willow. If you search both you will see that Lisa has only been in NC since 2007 and Willow her entire life. A real stalker who lives that close to someone would stalk them in real life. REAL Stalking. To make claims of stalking is serious buisness. Which is why I find it annoying and overdramatic to see Lisa claiming it on an exfriend who otherwise seems to just want to move on.

    Willow has also been around diaperswappers longer than Lisa, so I doubt any posts that Willow posts even have anything to do with Lisa. I see a few polite posts in the summer to threads Lisa was posting in and nothing more. Is there really a reason to cry stalker over harmless nice posts by an ex friend? Seems like a bit much to me by Lisa to go that far.

    Not so long ago- about a year, they were supporting each other. Lisa helped Willow start dreads, and they spent a lot of time together. This looks like nothing more to me than a very immature public bitch on bitch war. Happens.
    Or.. EVEN MORE WHAT I THINK- that Lisa (who apparently has quite the rep for doing so) has written yet again another attention getting blog crying victim.
    It is especially bull to me that Lisa has nothing to do with this post, when she is claiming stalker. If I was being stalked I would be all on this blog since it has so much of my life spewed on it. Perhaps she wrote this herself to ruin Willow? That would make sense because, It appears that someone is trying hard to get this blog noticed, and then not so long after this blog is up and getting attention, you now see more random crys on various sites, blogs, forums that Willow is stalking Lisa. Sounds strange to me. So my conclusion is that Lisa (who is quite the imaginator, liar, and frequently dramatic and persistant- as this can be seen in her many rants, posts, conspiracies, ect online all over) has probably just made another sad attempt at getting attention and going after Willow.

    Willow (after lots of googling) seems to be attempting to run from Lisa, She took down HerForum (a small forum she owned before they were friends, Lisa participated on),a few blogs, and now has a new blog that shares how busy she is, she isn't a SAHM, her blog says she is working, raising a family, getting an education and being a doula. I doubt she has time to dedicatedly stalk anyone with such a busy life. Meanwhile Lisa just sits home, she has more time to write up such things like this to get attention. She is probably just lonely and miserable being at home.
    There is an old quote "Idle mind is the devils workshop."

    So my conclusion is.. Lisa is probably not the drama mama, but I bet she wrote this just to get attention and destroy Willow's reputation. She has a habit of going after people's reps publicly as can be seen in the links above. Willow has no rep for stalking. Thank you for all the research.

  11. Who cares who they are? Get a life.

  12. LOL, I wouldn't give up your day job to be a PI.

    Those avatars are stock photos you can easily grab with a google image search.

  13. Look at Willow trying to turn herself into LM! Interesting, huh?!

  14. Ha! Willow/Joyce has a new name-HOLLY! Could you possibly be more obvious? Who else would care so much and be 'annoyed' at stalker claims?

  15. I am just trying to figure out, exactly what part of that link is proof that Willow is trying to be Lisa?
    I see Willow having a casual friendly even somewhat entertaining/funny conversation with someone else. I see nothing unusual? Then I see a pic of Willow, and then a quote by someone other than Lisa.

    It's not like people can't enjoy the same quotes or share them. Unless that is Lisa thinks she owns the quote. I would suggest she take that up with Shelia Stubbs.

    Sounds like someone thinks a little too highly of theirself.
    I would be flattered if I felt someone liked the things I did or found my style enjoyable. If that is what was going on.

    Im curious if Lisa is the anonynmous poster, with a link to claims of Willow being LM. Seems a bit too coincidental. Why would anyone think a simple requoted quote by a different author would be trying to be the other person? A little too arrogant.

    Maybe I know Willow, or I don't. I am curious. For one I want to see who the drama mama's are. Praying eventually someone will crack. Second, I find the drama between Lisa and Willow amusing. It is interesting to me to see Lisa making so many claims against Willow, and yet noone has asked Lisa how she got any information about Willow without stalking Willow. I doubt anyone's friends care enough to stalk their exfriends all the time for information to gossip about. Food for thought.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. I find it interesting that somehow on the dramablog there is a fishy amount of cover up seemingly going on for CDMP.

    Someone correct me if im wrong, but some of the details posted by members (different names, but some similar resemblenses in the names and content) on the drama blog. Could CDMP be a drama mama after all?

    I researched Willow in a criminal report and find no such record as claimed.

    The claims were also false originally as she claims she has never had a felony charge. Another post by CDMP under another username?

    People have a right to make mistakes and move on from them. It's really poor character to attack someone publicly displaying personal details regardless of it's availability.

    CDMP and the drama blog has really gone too far.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. This is very interesting...dsdm2 is a fucking bitch. She calls people names that she doesn't even know and knows nothing about. She thinks she is so great. I'm glad I fell upon this and now know who she is. Off to block her and do more digging.

  20. Hi Stacie (anonymous/July 3).

    Glad you made an total twat of yourself over here, too.


  21. oh and WTH? Block her from what, exactly? You're a loon, Stacie. Total loon.

  22. Http://

    the drama blog had met it's match, rumor is some hinting if you follow the two blogs that DSDM2 is CDMP, Lisa, Johanna or whatever her name really is,

    Here's advice for you DSDM2 - if you ever want a secret known, tell only one person eventually the world will know

  23. Anony July 10, your typing is compareable to DSDM2 on the drama of diaperswappers and CDMP on DS and other places. Now I find that funny stuff! Ha!

    Anony July 10 later post re wondering y someone would block CDMP, I can think of a lot of reasons. Stalking, trolling, being an asshole. Mm k?

  24. whatever stacie. go get some meds for yourself.

  25. Stacie- CDMP has done nothing to you. She isn't DSDM2. You've been smoking some crazy sh*t and reading into something that was proven false a long time ago.

    Go get some help, and counseling. It will benefit you, your DH & kids greatly. Maybe your special DR can diagnose you with a new ailment so you can legally get medicated this time.

  26. FOR THE RECORD, I hate to bust your bubble, nothing has was proven false. A lot of people are under reasonable suspition. You think?

  27. you need help. go get some and fast.

  28. Anony-Lisa, couldn't be more obvious

  29. righhhhhtttt Organicmomma/stacie. keep your stuff up, everyone believes you (((not)))

    btw i am not lisa but keep telling yourself that if it helps you get better from all your psycho ailments

  30. because someone anyone would care about defending Lisa so hard, except the obvious person .... Lisa
    so what the pic is stock, DSDM2 is Lisa CDMP.
    don't get your twatpanties in a wad when you thrive on this

  31. Who's blog is this?

  32. Stacie/OrganicMomma/AutumnStar (anonymous- 7:02am), you're an idiot like always. I am not defending Lisa, I am just watching you blab on a blog that is barely frequented and you're talking about something that doesn't even matter. I think it is hilarious you think I am CDMP & DSDM2.. I even told DSDM2 to come see what you were saying.
    It is no wonder your life at home is failing, you have serious mental issues and are more concerned about who some mystery person is online than fixing your marriage and relationship with your kids. Get a life.
    We're all disgusted by you.

  33. Not Lisa-cares a whole lot about nothing then... anyone who reads this blog is under educated because we can't read the above posts where there is "no defending" going on, and all the "no defending" going on in the drama blog

    DSDM2 could prove she isn't CDMP easily by not being a coward and revealing who she is. Own up to all the shit

  34. hey OM, is your mom still paying your internet and cell phone bills?

  35. I can't help but LOL at this blog. I don't know who the drama momma is. CDMP is whack. Her posting is rigid and I find her boring and self focused. I don't like dreadlocks but if I did, her head of dreads are fugly. Midwife? Dread porn? What the hell? I don't blame Willow for running. Is she the drama queen bloggity bleh? Who the hell could care any way? That blog is lame, and always the same mindless fat bitches trying to make themselves feel better. I followed the link here from CDN and need to try to recover lost time from reading this pointless crap.

  36. wtf..i just stumbled upon this...I didn't even post here, except for now, but I will own that now it is me..crazies..lmfao...
